Prepositions – Small (but Important) Words!
What is a preposition, why is it important, and how to use them in your scientific writing?

The Oxford Comma
Learn the importance of the Oxford comma for your scientific manuscripts.

10 Tips to Streamline Your Writing
How to streamline and improve your science writing process

-IC OR -ICAL: Unraveling Puzzling Word Endings
Which is correct – biologic or biological, psychologic or psychological? Learn when to use which ending.

15 Tips for Writing Influential Science Articles
Learn the art of crafting influential science articles for top-tier journal publication. Unlock the key elements to captivate readers and enhance the impact of your research.

Acknowledging Science Editors in Manuscript Production
Explore the critical role of acknowledging science editors in manuscript production, emphasizing ethical collaboration. 2 minute read.

Acknowledging Science Editors in Manuscript Production
Explore the critical role of acknowledging science editors in manuscript production, emphasizing ethical collaboration. 2 minute read.

How to Use Inclusive Language in Science Manuscripts: A Guide for Publishing Scientists
How to Use Inclusive Language in Science Manuscripts: Essential tips for creating accessible, diverse research texts. 1 minute read.
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