Clear writing enhances the reader’s understanding of the importance of your reported findings. Publication of your article permanently records your ideas, hypotheses, and thought processes, allowing others to build on your ideas for future investigation, which is the backbone of scientific exploration. English is the lingua franca for science communications, but knowing how to communicate in English is not the same as knowing how to communicate in scientific English. Even native English-speaking scientists may find it challenging to write clear and concise scientific English.
Also read:
- Why Articles Matter in English Language
- English Translation
- Post-Translation Science Editing
- Translation & English Editing Service

Guide to Scientific English Editing
Writing in scientific English requires precision and accuracy to convey meaning clearly and effectively to an international audience. The vocabulary, grammar, and syntax are all tailored to the specific needs of scientific communication. The language must precisely convey complex ideas and technical concepts for easy comprehension by fellow scientists and researchers. Additionally, the language should emphasize accuracy and objectivity, requiring data, facts, and evidence to support claims and arguments.

7 Tips for Improving Scientific English Writing
1. Identify the target audience
Before you begin writing or editing your manuscript, it is important to clarify your target audience. Who will be reading your research? What is their level of expertise in your field? Identifying your audience helps tailor your writing style to meet their needs and expectations.
2. Minimize jargon
One of the biggest challenges of writing scientific English is the judicious use technical jargon. While technical terms are essential for precision in scientific writing, excessive jargon can hinder readability. Instead, use clear, concise, and easy-to-understand language suitable for the target audience.
3. Use an active voice
Using an active voice can help to make your writing more concise and impactful. A passive voice can make your writing sound vague and unclear, whereas an active voice provides a clear subject and verb, making your sentences more direct. Start sentences with the subject performing the action, focus on the person or thing doing the action rather than the action itself, and use strong verbs such as “discovered”, “measured”, and “analyzed” rather than verb phrases using forms of “to be” such as “is”, “are”, “was”, and “were”. See our article “Knowing How, When, and Where to Use Active and Passive Voice in Science Writing“
4. Use precise language
Scientific English requires precise language to ensure that the intended meaning is conveyed accurately. Avoid vague or ambiguous language, and use precise terminology to describe your research findings.
5. Pay attention to grammar and syntax
Grammar and syntax are essential components of scientific English. Proper grammar and syntax ensure that the manuscript is clear, concise, and free from errors. Pay close attention to grammar and syntax when writing your manuscript.
6. Use language that is appropriate for the target audience.
Tailor the language for your target audience. If you intend to submit your manuscript to a generalist journal like Science or Nature, use language that any educated reader can understand without knowing the specific terminology of your field. Carefully define terms and minimize the use of abbreviations and acronyms. If you are submitting your findings to a specialist journal, use more precise language and jargon, but be careful to define terms that are not commonly used by all potential readers within the scope of the journal.
7. Seek feedback from others
Seeking feedback from colleagues can be invaluable in improving the clarity and impact of all your writing. Colleagues in different fields or with different backgrounds will help you to identify ambiguity and lack of clarity in your writing and point out where more explanation is needed. In addition, their suggestions may help you to improve the language, tone, and style of your manuscript.

Scientific English Editing
A poorly written manuscript can compromise the validity and reliability of the research, hindering its impact and dissemination. In contrast, a well-written manuscript can enhance the credibility and impact of the research, making it more likely to be accepted for publication in high-impact scientific journals. Scientific English editing can help you to improve the readability of the manuscript, making it more accessible to a broader audience, including policymakers, clinicians, and the general public.
Scientific English editing plays a vital role in producing well-written science articles and communications. A professional science editor like those at SciTechEdit, will ensure that your manuscript meets scientific English standards, addressing grammar, syntax, and word choice. In addition, a good scientific English editor should make suggestions to enhance the clarity, brevity, and impact of your manuscript for higher reader engagement.