Сөздерді таңдау

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
a/an/thethe definite article the combined with a noun implies that the reader can identify which instance of the noun is being referred to. If it is not clear what specifically the noun is referring to, then use the relative article a (or “an” if the word begins with a vowel or vowel sound. Example: “The solution was poured into the flask.” should only be used if that particular flask has been previously identified. “A flask was placed on ice. The solution was then poured into the flask”. If the flask has not been identified then the sentences should be, “The solution was poured into a flask”.
accept/except/expect accept means agree with, except means not including, and expect means anticipate
acute/chronicuse these terms to describe symptoms, conditions, or diseases
adapt/adoptadapt, make use of, fit to; adopt, choose, follow, take on. We adapted the methods used by Brown et al. 2001 in rats to apply to mice. We adopted the methods of Brown et al. 2001.
affect/effectaffect is a verb that means to “act upon”, as in “This drug affects the central nervous system”; effect is a noun that means “outcome”, as in “The effects of this drug on the central nervous system are not known”
all of/both ofof is unnecessary; all or both is sufficient
among/betweenamong is used to compare more than two items, between is used to compare only two items
amount/numberNumber should be used when the items can be counted, whereas amount should be used to denote quantity.

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